Port of Rotterdam sends smart container on trip around the world

Port of Rotterdam sends smart container on trip around the world

The smartest container this planet has even seen...

Check: www.weare42.io

Container 42 is an innovation, research and serendipity platform for stakeholders in shipping, ports and related technology. It is meant to answer questions about the future of technology, sustainability and logistical efficiency.




In collaboration with Tripany has provided many Cloud and App solutions in the areas of IoT, Telematic and fleet management. Our partner, Advanced Mobility Services, provides its customers with intelligent solutions for powered and non-powered assets and people based on location.


Tripany is the link between several solutions like Cisco, AMS, third parties and other online integrations. Our expertise is to provide solutions in a large range of products like ERP, CRM, Management Platforms, Online applications and mobile applications.


Our goal is to deliver valuable insights and timesaving solutions to improve your daily business activities by visualizing and monitoring your points of interest.

  • 24-05-2019

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